Tuesday, 7 April 2015

SOS President Helmut Kurtin Visit's Kenya.

International SOS Honorary president Helmut Kurtin http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/who-we-are/about-sos/history/cv-helmutkutin landed in Nairobi on a visit to SOS children's home and held a celebration in honour of Joseph Mathenge over his achievements as an award-winning journalist. 

Joseph Mathenge and his six siblings grew up at SOS Children village in Buruburu, after they lost both his parents at a tender age. 

Joseph Mathenge won the overall winner of CNN Multichoice African Journalist Awards 2014, for his photographs "Images of Terror" that revealed the horrific attack from inside Nairobi's upmarket shopping mall 'Westgate Mall' in September 2013.

SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES Kenya is an affiliate of SOS International whose mission is to build families for children in need in helping them shape their own futures and realize their dreams. In Kenya it runs five childrens villages in Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Meru and Kisumu. Sos children's villages also runs health and education institutions with local communities through strengthening families.

International SOS honorary president Helmut Kurtin congratulates Joseph Mathenge for his achievements at the SOS children's village in Buruburu.

From left Willy Nkuruyija, Joseph Mathenge, International SOS president Helmut Kurtin,and  Willy Huber admire hi ' s trophies.

  Joseph Mathenge gives a vote of thanks.
' Proud of you of you Joseph,' 
  Joseph Mathenge receives a wristband from  SOS honorary president Helmut Kurtin.

  SOS honorary president Helmut Kurtinplays with children's at the village.

Joseph Mathenge with Mumbua Muoki a KTN reporter.

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